Shazrons Belldonna at Challeymead  Bella

Our Super Sable and White girl Bella , saddly lost 2015 greatly missed and allways in our hearts and our thoughts.
Bella with The Challeymead Cup for Best Sable or Sable & White in Show , she was awarded this trophy by an American judge Mr Ketridge
Bella's first litter four boys and one girl,, Hermione, Weasley, Raffles , Harry and Alfie . All except Alfie made good in the show ring

Bella sadly lost 2018 Bella was our foundation bitch which we honuored to live with, she had two lovely litter's which produced  many of which made thier way to the Show sceane . Sadly Bella had one single Puppy which we named Solo but she only lived for a few days.  Bella went on to show at all levels Championship and Open Shows her last Show she gained a second at Crufts in Vetran Bitch, always in our hearts and memory's

Challeymead Little Gem (Crystal) with Mum
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© Keith Woolley